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Reignite Your Productivity After Summer

Reignite Your Productivity After Summer
Reignite Your Productivity After Summer - Huddle Business Capital

When the days grow shorter and the air becomes crisper, it's evident that summer is leaving and autumn is just around the corner. As the sun sets on another warm season, it's time to get back into the rhythm of work. But as you know, this is often easier said than done. Returning to a productive groove can be challenging for business owners and employees after resting, relaxing, and vacationing during summer.

The good news is that there are ways to boost productivity after summer, which are discussed in this blog article from Huddle Business Capital. If you own a small business, these strategies for recovering from the summer break can help improve overall efficiency.

Decreased productivity by the numbers.

It's no secret that workplace productivity often suffers during the summer season. Staying focused becomes challenging as temperatures rise and vacation plans take center stage. Some studies reveal that employees are less motivated and engaged at work during summer. An article published by Fast Company reported a 20% decrease in employee productivity during the summer.¹ This can result in slower task/project completion times and reduced quality, affecting your business's bottom line and reputation.

Fun activities like outdoor events, barbecues, and family gatherings can lower work attendance during the summer. Business owners and employees might leave early or take extra days off when the weather is nice. These summer-related distractions can continue into the fourth quarter, which is bad for business.

Re-establish a routine with your staff.

Once the summer season ends, it's a good time to review your business's third-quarter performance and prepare for the fourth quarter. You might consider meeting with your staff to convey the goals that were met and make sure they understand the goals and expectations for the final three months of the year.

Next, remember that immediately jumping back into work mode after a summer vacation may be challenging for you and your employees. It can take time to readjust to the daily work routine, mainly if the vacation occurs in a different time zone.

Set aside time to prioritize tasks.

The start of the fourth quarter brings new opportunities for your business and tasks that need to be addressed to help you stay focused. For starters, set aside time to review and respond to emails, address customer inquiries, stock up on fourth-quarter inventory, and address any business issues that need immediate attention.

Doing so can boost your productivity, reduce stress, and allow you to focus on top-level tasks and activities that drive meaningful results.

Avoid unnecessary meetings.

Time is one of your most valuable resources as a business owner. Unnecessary meetings at the start of a new quarter can drain productivity, often leading to employee frustration and inefficiencies within your business.

For example, workers returning to their daily routine after summer need uninterrupted time to focus on their core tasks and responsibilities. Instead of pulling them away for unnecessary meetings, send them a quick email with your request or feedback.

Allow small breaks to reset.

Once summer ends, the transition to a more structured fall schedule with shorter days and colder weather can be challenging for many. So, it's a good idea for you and your employees to incorporate short 10 to 15-minute breaks into your daily routine at the beginning of fall, perhaps during the first few weeks of October.

Allowing these short breaks can significantly boost morale and allow you and your workers to recharge and refocus. Moreover, stepping outside for fresh air or walking can improve circulation and energy levels throughout the day, increasing productivity.

Create a healthy fourth-quarter routine.

As the owner and face of your business, you have myriad responsibilities to your employees, customers, vendors, and stakeholders. Therefore, you need to ensure that you remain productive once summer ends. Fall is the perfect time to revamp your daily routine and embrace healthier habits to help you maintain energy levels and overall well-being.

Consider establishing a consistent sleep schedule, incorporating stretching and/or exercise into your morning routine, and eating nutritious meals. Remember, a healthy mind and body can help you be productive, so take care of yourself.


1. https://www.fastcompany.com/90906900/why-you-should-embrace-being-less-productive-in-the-summer


Huddle Business Capital is not affiliated with nor endorses Fast Company. This Huddle Business Capital blog article is purely educational and contains general information and opinions; it is not intended to provide advice or recommendations of any kind.

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